These are a natural and concentrated food and a great supplement to your horse's diet!
'Chia' means 'Strength' according to the ancient Mayans and Aztec and Mayan cultures. They used them for energy and strength boosts.
They are high in Protein, Omega 3 fatty acids and are packed with fibre and high spec vitamins and minerals.
Not just great for horses, dogs and cats - they are really beneficial from us humans too!
Great for vegetarians and Vegans due to their high protein content (useful source of plant protein)
They are really easy to use. You can sprinkle into your dog or horses food.
For human consumption sprinkle on to cereals, add to yogurt, salads or to baking. Basically anything really.
A lot of people mix with water to make a gel (leave for a couple of hours to soak).
Recommended Daily Amount:
500kg horse 40-70g approx.
300kg pony 20-30g approx